Canadian Coupons
December 18, 2019

I shouldn’t be surprised. This happens every year.

We are still 1 full week away from Christmas, but retailers are already thinking Boxing Day!

With the rise of Black Friday, Boxing Day shopping has somewhat taken a back seat. But if you’ve got fresh Christmas money in your pocket, you might just be looking for something to spend it on in the days follow Christmas.

In either case, Boxing Day flyers are starting to come out already with Best Buy leading the pack.

The Best Buy Boxing Day Flyer is now available and you can browse through 74 PAGES of deals!

MORE: Browse the Latest Deals on SaveaLoonie

Sale starts ONLINE December 24th at 6PM ET and IN-STORES December 26th at 6AM local time.

Prices in effect until January 2, 2020 or while supplies last.

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December 18, 2019

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