Canadian Coupons
February 5, 2013

We have posted some weird freebies before but this one has to be one of the strangest! I am sure most of you have seen the Gold Rush Alaska TV Show. It happens to be one of our favourite shows on TV at the moment!

Ryan was crawling Reddit for freebies yesterday and came across a link for FREE Pay Dirt! Ryan instantly freaked out and thought it was too strange to be true. So he placed his order and waited for others to comment on Reddit. Others commented saying they have requested and received this sample before. Ryan also received a confirmation email this morning.

What is Pay Dirt? Well Pay Dirt is the material you run to find gold. Pay dirt is found below the over burden (no gold yielding soil).

So what are you waiting for. Order your FREE Pay Dirt sample today and you just never know, there might be a big golden nugget in your FREE sample!

This could be a great activity for your children! I am sure you can Google ways on how to Pan dirt with everyday objects found in your house.

**Click the Free Sample button in the middle of the website or scroll to the bottom and click the Free Sample link. You will then be forwarded to a shopping cart where you can request your sample. You do not have to fill out all the business info. Simply your first and last name will make the order go through**

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February 5, 2013
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