Canadian Coupons
March 17, 2012

Your local stores are one of the best places to find coupons! They are everywhere you go – you just have to look for them! You can find coupons at the main entrance of the store, on the shelves, on products, in packages and behind the counter!

Here we will give you hints on where to look to find even MORE coupons!

Tear Pads

Tear Pad coupons are generally found at the main entrance of grocery stores such as Real Canadian Superstore & Loblaws or on the shelf next to a product.

Some times these coupons are store specificStores namely in the Loblaws Chain have tear pad coupons that are redeemable in their stores only. These are called Coupon Zone coupons. Other stores may have similar in-store only coupons. and others are manufacturer coupons that can be redeemed any where coupons are accepted.

When taking tear pad coupons, be courtesy of your fellow couponers. Only take as many as you KNOW you will use (never more than 5) so there are lots for other people.



Peelie coupons are usually found attached to product packaging by glue or some other sticky medium. These types of coupons are usually only redeemable on the product it is attached to. It is not okay to remove peelie coupons from products that you are not purchasing.


Booklets are often found in grocery stores and can contain some great coupons! These can be just coupons or can be within recipe cards or product information booklets. These are usually found on special display boards or on the shelf beside the package. Booklets won’t always advertise that there are coupons inside. If you see a booklet, pick it up and have a browse through it.

Hanging Coupons


Occasionally as you are walking through a store you may see a tag hanging off a product. Quite often, these contain coupons – we call them Hanging Coupons. Like peelies, it is not okay to remove hanging coupons from a product you are not purchasing.

In Packaging


You would be shocked how often coupons inside product packaging go unnoticed! Whenever you purchase a product, check inside for a coupon – you don’t always know they are there! In package coupons are usually printed on the inside of cardboard boxes or inside the protective wrapping. Kellogg’s, Old El Paso and Ziploc all are well-known for having in packaging coupons but many others do too!

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March 17, 2012
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