Canadian Coupons
August 7, 2013

What a way to end the day 😀 We had already had a great mail day today but I’ve been seeing it all day. SaveaLoonians were receiving special deliveries of Almay products.. I was so jealous LOL

But I knew to be patient. Our UPS delivery man doesn’t usually come through this area until 4:30-5pm. So I waited and I waited and 4:30 came and went then 4:45 and finally at 2 minutes to 5, the dogs went berserk and I heard a knock at the door. I took off like a flash and sure enough, there was mr. UPS waiting at the door with 2 boxes for me 😀 😀

I had to sign for them and immediately brought them in. After a quick inspection I knew that it was my FREE Full Size Almay Smart Shade CC Cream – Light/Medium and Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balm – Apricot Pucker, from the ABC’s of Almay Giveaway (now over). *HAPPY DANCE*

I must say though, while I appreciate the care that was taken to package each item, it seems like A LOT of money was spent on shipping for this promotion. The box each item came in was at least 3 times too big. All 3 items I won from the promotion could have easily fit in one box. If it was planned out a little better, they could have possibly offered more products with the money saved on shipping expenses. Just my two cents – I LOVE Almay and I genuinely do appreciate the freebies 🙂

That being said, I’m left wondering where the last item I’m expecting is. I’m missing the Makeup Remover Pads that I won the second week of the promotion. Seems strange I would receive prizes from weeks 1 & 3 before week 2. Plus, I did see others posting on Almay’s Facebook Wall that they had received the pads yesterday! Confused!

Either way, I’m super excited my prizes arrived! Gotta love FREE Makeup!! Did you receive any of your free products from Almay today? Lets us know on our Free Samples Canada Facebook Page.

*UPDATE August 7th*


Regular mail delivery was a bit of a flop today. A coupon from and a couple from webSaver. That’s it.

However, UPS did surprise me with an early delivery today! My third and final free product from the ABC’s of Almay giveaway just arrived 🙂

I was super lucky and won a these Oil Free Gentle Eye Makeup Remover Pads in the second week of the promotion.

Did UPS stop by your house today with any of your Almay freebies? Let us know  what you’ve already received and what you are still waiting on!

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August 7, 2013
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