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September 11, 2012

Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.

Smiling is an act that is recognized across cultures as the universal sign of happiness. We can recognize a smile from more than 300 feet away.

Did you know that the average adult smiles more than 50 times a day at home and only between 5 & 20 times a day at work? Children smile on average between 400 and 500 times a day.

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying “I wish I had as much energy as a child” or “I wish I could be that happy all the time” maybe you should just try smiling more!
Forget all of those expensive potions and pills that promise bliss. Smiles are FREE and have both physical and emotional benefits!

Smiling Makes You Happier – Even If It’s Forced

Several studies have shown that forcing yourself to smile when your in a bad mood can actually make you feel better! When you smile, your body releases Endorphins (natural painkillers), Dopamine (boost mood) and Serotonin (regulates sleep) to combat pain and sadness. Smiling can not only give us feelings of happiness and joy but can also increase our creativity and problem solving abilities.

It’s Good For Your Health

Smiling has actual physical health benefits too. When we are stressed out our bodies release a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for high blood pressure, decreased immunity and weight gain. The serotonin that is released when we smile helps to combat the effects of Cortisol and actually decrease stress. Smiling more frequently can decrease your blood pressure, help you sleep better, feel more relaxed and lose weight!

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

When you get a real good smile, often a laugh comes along with it. Children laugh more than 500 times a day vesus adults who laugh only 15 times a day. Studys suggest that laughing 100 times in a day is equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine. It has also been show that 10 minutes of laughter is as relaxing as 2 hours of sleep and 15 minutes of laughter has a similar relaxing effect to meditating for 8 hours!

Smiling Can Lengthen Your Life

A study conduct on pre 1950’s baseball cards found that you could actually predict your life span by the span of your smile! Those that did not smile in their pictures lived an average of 72.9 years while those with wide smiles lived an average of almost 80 years!

Sneezing Isn’t The Only Thing That’s Contagious

Swedish studies have shown that when we see others smile we are physically compelled to smile as well. Our facial muscles will even twitch to form a quick smile in response. Even that quick smile can cause a small release in Dopamine and give that person a boost of positive energy.

You’re Prettier When You Smile

A study conducted by Orbit Complete showed that 69% of people found that women that were smiling and not wearing make-up were more attractive than non-smiling, make-up wearing women. As a species we are naturally drawn towards people who are smiling. They appear open, warm and inviting – the type of people we want to be around. As an added bonus, wide, tooth-bearing smiles can take as many as 53 muscles to contract. The more we contract these muscles, the firmer they become and help prevent sagging and wrinkles.

A Smile Can Take You Places

Smiling a work can actually help you get promoted! People who smile frequently are perceived as confident and sociable – the qualities employers are looking for.

So smile today – as often as you can and as big as you can! It will make you and every one else around you feel good!

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September 11, 2012
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