Canadian Coupons
November 6, 2013

Three in a row! WOWZA! It hasn’t  just been another great mail day – it has been a phenomenal mail week!

Today, here is what we got:

Dove Go Fresh Deodorant sample and $2 off coupon (no longer available). These samples were offered on a first come, first served basis on the Dove Facebook page last month.

I also got my second P&G Try Before You Buy Sampler (no longer available)! As exciting as it was to see it in the mail box, after opening it, I’m left more confused than before! Inside this box I found Vidal Sasson shampoo & conditioner, Scope Outlast and Crest 3D Whitestrips as expected. As an extra, I found the Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream that was missing from the first box. However, on the downside, the Venus Razor that was suppose to be included is missing and out of the 2 boxes, I’m still short a Scope Outlast sample!

Did you follow all that? LOL

I’m not upset or anything, I genuinely do appreciate any and all samples offered & received! I’m just so confused as to what went wrong in the P&G Sample Fulfillment department. I have been in touch with Gwen from P&G but am awaiting to hear what went wrong. I think I might just shoot her another message to see if there has been any news.

What did you get in the mail today? Let us know on our Canadian Coupons FB Page!

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November 6, 2013
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